Caribbean Association of Women Judges
Judges of the Supreme Courts throughout the Caribbean, in particular those from Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Guyana and Jamaica, came together in 2014 to create the Caribbean Association of Women Judges (“CAWJ”) to promote a greater understanding and better resolution of legal issues facing women and girls.
The CAWJ focuses on general issues affecting women and women judges in the Caribbean region. The CAWJ falls under the umbrella of the well-recognized and respected International Association of Women Judges (“IAWJ”).
The affairs of the Association are directed by an Executive Committee which is comprised of the Officers. The Officers are the President, up to four Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer, each of whom may hold office for up to three consecutive years and are eligible for re-election.
The current Executive Committee is:
Assistant to the Secretary
The objectives of the CAWJ include the following: